Municipal composting operators must understand the intricacies of making compost to produce a high-quality product. Whether your operation has been going for years or you are just starting one for your municipality, the following are five points you will need to know.

1. Composting is microbe farming

Municipal composting operations are farming microbes to create the compost they sell. The piles must have enough of the right type of organisms to create a high-quality product. Microbes break down the materials that create compost, specifically aerobic microbes. They rely on air for their oxygen supply rather than water like anaerobic microbes. In order for aerobic microbes to flourish, they still require water and they must also have a good source of food.

2. Feedstock material and nutrient balance are important

High-quality compost depends on healthy microbes. The green and brown materials you use will affect the nutrient balance you provide to the microbes, which affects their health. To create a healthy environment, it’s essential to find the perfect mix, which requires both research and practice. materials like grass clippings and manure provide nitrogen, while brown materials like dry leaves and wood chips provide carbon. The size of the materials you use, or particles, will also affect how the microbes grow. Shredding, grinding, and chipping can create particle sizes that give microbes more surface area to thrive. Smaller particles can help create a more uniform pile that insulates well. On the other hand, if the particles are TOO small, they can suffocate the microbes.

3. There is a connection between moisture content and oxygen flow

Water allows the microbes to get to the nutrients in the composting materials. Feedstock often provides moisture on its own, but sometimes additional moisture is needed in the form of rain or regular watering. It’s important to keep the pile moist but not too wet. Too much moisture can lead to anaerobic conditions, which will affect the quality of the compost. Oxygen must also be provided in the correct amounts. This is best accomplished by aerating the piles. There are many methods for doing this, but some type of compost turning is your best option. Just be careful not to add too much oxygen or you could dry out the compost.

4. Temperature matters

Compost piles that hold optimal temperatures allow microbes to do their jobs, as well as destroy weed seeds and pathogens. You’ll want the microbes to raise the temperature of the piles to at least 140° F. If the right temperatures are not met, anaerobic conditions occur including rotting, which will cause bad odors.

5. You will need equipment that is up to the task

Large-scale composting operations require special equipment and tools to produce high-quality compost. Although the supplies you use will depend on your unique needs, some are common to most operations.
    1. Composting screens: These are important for sifting large particles out of your compost. You should conduct some research to see which product is the right one for you, as there are many available.
    2. Starters and accelerators: These start your piles off with microorganisms to do the composting and allow for a faster decomposing environment.
    3. Compost turner: For large-scale operations, this type of equipment is usually very large. Compost turners introduce oxygen into the mixture and help to make it more uniform. The best way to do municipal composting is to place the piles in long rows known as windrows. Compost turners are often made specifically for windrows and other large piles.
When choosing a compost windrow turner, be sure to pick the right one for your operation. You will need to consider the size, the engine, and the powering option (self-propelled, pull-type, and front type), among other options. You should also ask about customization, how easy it is to make repairs and replacements, and the efficiency of each turner.

Want to learn more about large-scale composting?

The professionals at SCARAB International can help you find the right equipment for your operation. We provide a large variety of self-propelled compost turners including New, Used, and Refurbished equipment. We also offer customization and Leasing options. You can reach us at (806) 883-7621 or Contact Us by email to learn more.